Monthly Investment Fund Ranking Report

Each month, we analyze more than 1200 mutual funds, pooled funds, and hedge funds putting them through our proprietary quantitative valuation model. We then prepare our Monthly Fund Ranking Report which rates and ranks each of the funds in our universe. This is a great tool for advisors and investors alike when looking to rate the relative attractiveness of a number of investment options. With our emphasis on managing volatility, we help you zero in on those funds that have the potential to deliver strong relative risk adjusted returns going forward.

Our Monthly Investment Fund Ranking Reports from 2011 can be found below. If you would like an earlier report, please send your request to

Investment Fund Ranking Report – May 2015

Posted by on Jun 11, 2015 in Monthly Ranking Reports | 0 comments

Each month, we analyze more than 1500 mutual funds, pooled funds, and hedge funds putting them through our proprietary quantitative valuation model. We then prepare our Monthly Fund Ranking Report which rates and ranks each of the funds in our universe. You can download our May 2015 Investment Fund Ranking Report here.

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New Fund Rating System Launched in 2015

Posted by on Jan 14, 2015 in Monthly Ranking Reports, Paterson Other, Paterson Recommended List, Paterson Updates, Top Funds Report | 0 comments

When I first started providing a rating on mutual funds back in 2002, I developed a formula that considered a number of key performance and risk metrics. It looked at absolute return, relative return, volatility and relative volatility. It also took into account the length of track record of a fund when determining the rating for a fund. It seemed to work very well over the years, but its biggest drawback was that it was complicated to explain. Whenever an advisor or investor would ask about my rating system, I could never explain how I...

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Investment Fund Ranking Report – April 2012

Posted by on May 15, 2012 in Monthly Ranking Reports | 0 comments

You can download our April 30, 2012 Investment Fund Ranking Report here.

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